Calming Sounds, Relaxing Sounds and Sounds to sleep – part 1

The power of self-love

My client Veronica told me that she finally was able to say what she needed, and felt confident about going after her goals. These are the stories that I love ❤️ Veronica said that she was able to speak confidently in public, that she was able to go out and meet new people, and she was […]
Best books that help through depression and anxiety

Hi beautiful soul: Healing and dealing with depression and anxiety is not easy but it is possible. These books will help you and guide you with useful techniques and ways to heal from depression and anxiety. Make sure to make your wellbeing your priority and follow them, you will then start feeling better. You deserve feeling joyful, […]
Social anxiety tips – 3 ways to lower your fear

Hi dear friend: Learning some quick tips and techniques can be the best way to start overcoming your social anxiety. The three main areas to focus on are your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Attacking your social anxiety from these three areas at the same time will have a compounding effect on the results you get. […]
Relaxation techniques for coping with social anxiety

Hi dear friend: If you are suffering from social anxiety, then you must know how awful it feels when you are feeling anxious. Not only does your mind race and you feel insecure and awful inside, but you also have physical symptoms outside. Everyone can see you as you sweat for no reason, shake uncontrollably, […]
Intro to Mudras and one wonderful hand mudra to open the heart chakra

Hi dear friend: You are probably like most of us, under a lot of stress. And you might be wondering what a mudra is, how to use it for meditation, and are not sure about the benefits it can bring you. I have found that this practice has helped me a lot to cope better […]
How to boost your self-esteem: one proven way

Hi dear friend: It is just undeniable that our confidence will improve with better self-esteem. The way we look at ourselves affects our work, relationships, wealth, health. In sum, it affects our life. The fact is that all the experiences we have in life shape our self-esteem. We are programmed and affected by what we […]
Best Apps for relaxation and better sleep

Hi dear friend: If you are reading this article, you are probably needing help to slow down, relax, or get a good night’s sleep. Despite there being some disagreement on the exact amount of hours each individual should sleep each night, as this would vary according to their genetics. There is a consensus by all […]
Best Christmas gifts to help relax and unwind

Hi dear friend: This time I want to give you a list of Christmas gifts for that special someone in your life who deserves a break. Stress affects many of us, and learning to cope with it helps deal and prevent many diseases. Get your loved one a gift to relax, de stress and unwind. […]
Ho´oponopono healing: the power of forgiveness and love

Hi dear friend: Are you looking for a method to heal yourself and even help others? Ho´oponopono is a self-help method by a Hawaiian therapist who managed to cure a ward of criminally insane patients by healing himself. He did not meet them or spend time with them in order to heal them. He managed […]