DIY Healthy recipes: raw walnut butter


Hi dear friend: Looking for an easy recipe to make clean, organic and low-glycemic raw walnut butter? This video will show you how to make your own healthy affordable and delicious organic raw walnut butter at home. As someone with osteoarthritis I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy diet as […]

DIY How to make crunchy banana amaranth pancakes


Hi dear friend: Gluten-free, dairy-free with a crunchy flavour banana amaranth pancakes!  You are going to love this recipe!  A tasty option for breakfast and dessert.  I believe that our bodies have the ability to heal themselves in most cases, and that a healthy diet as well as a healthy lifestyle help prevent and heal. […]

4 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail


Hi dear friend:  Wondering why you just cannot see success with your diet plan? Do you feel like every diet you go on, you eventually fall off somewhere along the line? Are you ready to toss in the towel on fat loss for good? Don’t be. If you stop and take a minute to look […]

DYI Healthy recipes: Dairy-free sour cream


Hi dear friend: Want to learn how to make dairy-free sour cream at home? This recipe is paleo, vegan, dairy-free, and delicious! As someone with osteoarthritis, I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy diet as part of an early treatment to decrease pain and live a healthier life. Part […]

DIY How to make Dairy-free Strawberry smoothie


Hi dear friend: Want to make a thick, creamy and Dairy-Free strawberry smoothie?  Then you will love this recipe! As someone with osteoarthritis I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy diet as part of an early treatment to decrease pain and live a healthier life. Part of my diet […]

The 5 Commandments Of Smart Dieting


Hi dear friend: To really see best results from any diet plan you choose to use, you need to learn a few ‘diet commandments’. These are guidelines that must be followed if you are going to see superior results that will help propel you forward. Sadly, many people miss out on one or more of […]

DYI Healthy recipes: Dairy-free banana ice cream

dairy free banana ice cream

Hi dear friend: Want to learn how to make refined sugar free, dairy-free ice cream at home? The recipe uses organic almond milk and sunflower seed butter, you can do your own at home! You find the recipes, here As someone with osteoarthritis, I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy […]

DIY Healthy recipes: gluten-free, dairy-free banana egg pancakes


Hi dear friend: Are you looking for an easy recipe to make a clean, organic and high protein breakfast or dessert? This video will show you how to make your own healthy and delicious gluten-free and dairy-free banana egg pancakes at home. In addition, you can make it with organic ingredients for even more benefits! […]

DIY Healthy recipes: How to make organic almond milk

Healthy recipes_ How to make homemade organic almond milk

Hi dear friend: Are you lactose-intolerant? Looking for an easy recipe to make clean organic almond milk? Or are you avoiding casein and dairy products? This video will show you how to make your own healthy and tasty organic almond milk at home. You can make it with organic ingredients for even more benefits. As […]

DIY Healthy recipes: Easy tasty hummus

Healthy Recipes & Clean eating hummus

Hi dear friend: Looking for an easy recipe to make clean eating, tasty hummus? As someone with osteoarthritis, I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy diet as part of an early treatment to decrease pain and live a healthier life. Part of my diet includes drinking ginger lemon tea every […]

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