Why should you join my Free 4-day Cleanse for weight loss and a healthy body?

Hi dear friend: Nowadays due to the many toxins in the environment your body has been affected and is not able to function at its best. There are toxins in the air, household chemicals, makeup, food, just to name a few. The good News is that If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re in the […]
How to Handle Stress During the Workday

How to Handle Stress During the Workday by Sam Vander Wielen Hi, there! I’m Sam. As an attorney-turned-Certified Health Coach and entrepreneur, I know a thing or two about stress. I had to learn the hard way how to manage my stress both in and out of the office. Managing stress in a healthy way […]
How to relax using positive affirmations

Hi dear friend: Have you been struggling with lots of stress in your life lately? Do you feel that it is time to do something to help your body release some stress? Or do you struggle with being present in the moment? Well, today I want to show you how affirmations can help you with all […]
Power of emotions: How to deal with unkind people

Hi dear friend: Have you or are you now dealing with unkind people in your life? Learning about the power of our emotions is the key to learning how to deal with unkind people. I guess most of us at some point or another have met some unkind people in our lives. How to cope with […]