How exercise can help boost your self-esteem

Hi dear friend: Did you know that exercise can help boost our self-esteem? Exercise has a wide range of benefits to our health. We normally hear and focus on the body or weight benefits it has. But there are many more ways exercise helps our general wellbeing. It is just undeniable that our self-esteem affects […]
Health Benefits of tai chi – Interview to master Bertha Maria Torres de Montalvo

Hi beautiful soul: There are a wide range of benefits for those who practice Tai Chi. I had done it once before but this time during my visit to Ecuador I attended Tai Chi classes at CDI, Centro de Desarrollo Integral in Tumbaco in Quito, Ecuador. Here I had the opportunity to talk to master Bertha […]
Reasons to keep exercising during the holidays

Reasons to keep exercising during the holidays by Sara Elizabeth Montolio Liberato People tend to put in more effort at the gym weeks and days before the holidays arrive in hopes that it will somehow buffer them before the overconsumption of delicious food this time of year. However, this is a smart move for a different […]
Learn how to build a better booty

Learn how to build a better booty by Sara Elizabeth Montolio Liberato For the ladies who are looking to enhance their buns and wishing for a rounder, fuller and more lifted butt to show off at the beach or pool, keep reading along, you won’t regret it! I want to share my 11 favorite butt exercises in detail: […]