How to make coconut oil toothpaste
Hi dear friend There are many benefits to this coconut oil toothpaste recipe and I feel the need to share them with you! l have been reading lately a lot of articles and scientific research explaining the great advantages of using coconut oil for dental hygiene. In addition, recently I have been tasting different brands […]
DIY How to make your own natural coconut oil deodorant
Hi dear friend There are many benefits to making your natural coconut oil deodorant! It is easy to make, affordable & you avoid toxic ingredients! l have been reading lately a lot of articles explaining the health risks of aluminum and other toxic ingredients in commercial deodorants. In addition, recently I have been testing some […]
DIY Healthy recipes: Dairy-free coconut ice cream
Hi dear friend: Want a healthier version to store-bought coconut ice cream? It is not only healthy, but it is also very easy to make. In addition, one of the main ingredients: coconut oil has some amazing antioxidant and antimicrobial properties! They counter negative effects of sagging in the skin, aging and macular degeneration, just […]