Proven way to use affirmations to change negative Self-Talk
Hi dear friend: As someone who struggled with negative Self-Talk while growing up and until recently, using affirmations has been part of my healing process. Therefore, I want to share with you a proven way to use them in order to change your inner critical voice and start to heal. Did you know that we […]
How to relax using positive affirmations
Hi dear friend: Have you been struggling with lots of stress in your life lately? Do you feel that it is time to do something to help your body release some stress? Or do you struggle with being present in the moment? Well, today I want to show you how affirmations can help you with all […]
The power of gratitude: Watch this inspiring video
Hi dear friend: Have you considered how different our lives would be if we started the day by being grateful and using the power of gratitude? “It’s not happy people who are thankful. It’s thankful people who are happy.” Author unknown. It is amazing to witness how our life starts to change once we realize […]