My experience with mindfulness based stress reduction

My experience with mindfulness based stress reduction by Sherry Smilar I have always been an anxious person, but lately I have had difficulty dealing with things that were causing me stress. I suffer from social anxiety, I get stressed out about driving, I get stressed out about work and my family, and I have menopausal hot […]
Intro to Mudras and one wonderful hand mudra to open the heart chakra

Hi dear friend: You are probably like most of us, under a lot of stress. And you might be wondering what a mudra is, how to use it for meditation, and are not sure about the benefits it can bring you. I have found that this practice has helped me a lot to cope better […]
Amazing ways meditation actually changes your life

Hi dear friend: You might be wondering what meditation is, or you are considering if you should start practicing it and not sure about the benefits it can bring you. I have found that this practice has helped me in many different ways and will detail some of its benefits below. Take into consideration that […]
Simple mudra to help you prevent stress

Hi dear friend: You are probably like most of us, under a lot of stress. And you might be wondering what a mudra is, how to use it for meditation, and are not sure about the benefits it can bring you. I have found that this practice has helped me a lot to cope better […]